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Syrie : l’armée israélienne annonce avoir frappé deux bases militaires dans le centre du pays, dont une à Palmyre

Selon l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’homme, au moins quatre frappes ont touché l’aéroport de Palmyre, qui abrite des forces affiliées aux autorités. Israël dit vouloir éviter que l’arsenal de l’ancien pouvoir syrien tombe aux mains des nouvelles autorités.

On March 21, 2025, the Israeli army announced it struck two military bases in central Syria, including one in Palmyra. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported at least four strikes hit the Palmyra airport, which houses forces affiliated with the Syrian authorities. Israel claims the strikes aim to prevent the Syrian arsenal from falling into the hands of the new authorities following the fall of Bashar Al-Assad in December 2024. Since then, Israel has conducted hundreds of strikes on military sites in Syria. Israel also maintains a military presence in the demilitarized zone on the Syrian Golan.

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